Why the ConvertKit emailing service is better than services like Mailchimp is because it allows you to segment your email list when you send them emails and it will not double …
Essential WordPress Plugins
If you use Wordpress to build sites, you will need a few essential WordPress plugins that add functionality to your sites like security, SEO and backup. Below are some of the …
How to use Pinterest for Business: Top seven things to consider
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networking sites on the internet today. Actually Pinterest has grown tremendously over the past few months getting to more than 10 …
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Google Reader to close – here are some alternatives
Google Reader is shutting down on July 1st. Move your feeds to one of these alternative RSS readers instead I have been using Google Reader to collect RSS feeds of blogs that I …
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Add a ping list to your wordpress blog
Add this list to the list of places to ping under Settings > Writing. This will ping all these services everytime you add a new piece of content and will alert search engine …
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Do you still use free email services for business?
This is one big mistake that I see a lot of small business owners make. They use their old hotmail addresses as their business email. I see this painted on sides of trucks and vans …
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